Storing and maintaining inventories requires a high degree of safety and quality in all of our installations and warehouses.
At Global-TALKE, installations, we have an approximate area of 10,000 m2 to store chemical and industrial products that are stored in independent warehouses.
Types of storage:
• Palleting: on metal shelves for conventional palleting with a universal system for direct and unique access to each pallet.
• Bulk: 6,000 m3 or in stainless steel silos.
In the storage silos for bulk products, there is an installation to unload tanks through pneumatic transport and load the tanks with gravity.
We have seven loading and unloading docks exclusively for this type of products. There is also a mobile dock to adapt to any type of loading or unloading.
Global-TALKE is SQAS certified (Safety & Quality Assessment System), both “Core” and “Warehouse Specific”. In addition, our warehouses are reviewed annually by a certification entity of the Supervisory Body of the Generalitat de Catalunya based on the Royal Decree of chemical product storage RD379/2001.
We are authorised to store the following chemical products:
• Flammable liquids and solids
• Corrosive liquids and solids
• Irritating liquids and solids
• Harmful
• Oxidising
• Harmful to the environment
• Toxic
• Flammable and non-extinguishable with water
• Peroxides
• Carcinogens
• Mutagenic
• Sensitising
To complement the already existing safety measures, like the firefighting system and anti-spill barriers, at Global-TALKE, we also establish a separation of products between families, considering their characteristics and hazard level, as well as their incompatibilities, establishing sectors or providing individual isolated warehouses with special characteristics, like those for toxic products and peroxides.
All warehouses have temperature and humidity control devices, which record these levels.
At Global-TALKE we currently have the following firefighting systems:
• Ventilators
• Laser smoke detectors
• Automatic sprayers
• Alarm buttons
• Extinguishers (CO2, and powder)
• Equipped fire nozzles (BIES)
• Hydrants
In addition to other safety measures, like emergency showers, anti-spill barriers, tamper-proof alarms and 24h video surveillance cameras.
For storing chemical products, we have five independent sectors with controlled and recorded temperature, in order to be able to store all types of chemical products with a total area of 1,000 m2 distributed throughout:
- Three warehouses whose temperature can be regulated and ranges between 18ºC and 25ºC. The temperature is controlled by two independent temperature probes, in each one of the warehouses. It has a temperature control system with an alarm for low or high temperature, which is regulable based on the needs of the stored product.
- A chamber whose temperature can be regulated and ranges between 30ºC and 35ºC. The temperature of the chamber is also controlled by a temperature probe.
- A refrigerated chamber at a temperature of 4ºC.
The temperature probes of the warehouses are calibrated by a company registered in the Industry, Energy and Mines Directorate General.
In the Global-TALKEinstallations, we have an approximate area of 8,800 m2 for storing food products.
They are stored in warehouses that contain:
- metal shelves for conventional palleting with a universal system for direct and unique access to each pallet, controlled by radio frequency
- stainless steel silos
We have 6 loading and unloading docks, just for this type of products, which are totally closed, which is used as another measure to prevent the possible contamination of the product.
To guarantee the quality and safety of the food products in the supply chain, we have the ISO 22000 certification for Food Safety Management Systems for storing food products.
The warehouses are conditioned to comply with the most rigorous food safety standards. Because in the food industry, it is essential to control foreign matter, at Global-TALKE we have a broken glass and plastic control program. Thus, the lighting systems are not directly in line with the product, in order to thus prevent any breakdown or incident from being able to contaminate it. In addition, the warehouses are properly locked and have a strict control for pests and rodents and an efficient system to eliminate flying insects, such as bug zappers, as well as tamper-proof measures, periodic maintenance and revision, surveillance cameras and changing rooms next to the areas where food products are handled. In addition, all of the forklifts used at Global-TALKE in the packaging and storage process of food products are electric in order to prevent the product from being contaminated.
In the Global-TALKE installations we have an approximate area of 1,600 m2 for storing animal feed products.
It is stored in:
- warehouses equipped with metal shelves with a compact pallet system that doubles the capacity of an installation with conventional pallet shelves.
Global-TALKE is authorised by the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food of the Generalitat de Catalunya to store additives with code αESP43601841.
Global-TALKE also has the GMP+ B3 certification for good manufacturing practices in producing feed for animals.
The warehouses are conditioned to comply with the most rigorous food safety standards. They are properly locked and have a strict control for pests and rodents and an efficient system to eliminate flying insects, such as bug zappers, as well as tamper-proof measures, periodic maintenance and revision, surveillance cameras and changing rooms next to the areas where food products are handled. In addition, all of the forklifts used at Global-TALKE in the packaging and storage process of animal feed products are electric in order to prevent the product from being contaminated.
- Chemical Products
At Global-TALKE, installations, we have an approximate area of 10,000 m2 to store chemical and industrial products that are stored in independent warehouses.
Types of storage:
• Palleting: on metal shelves for conventional palleting with a universal system for direct and unique access to each pallet.
• Bulk: 6,000 m3 or in stainless steel silos.
In the storage silos for bulk products, there is an installation to unload tanks through pneumatic transport and load the tanks with gravity.
We have seven loading and unloading docks exclusively for this type of products. There is also a mobile dock to adapt to any type of loading or unloading.
Global-TALKE is SQAS certified (Safety & Quality Assessment System), both “Core” and “Warehouse Specific”. In addition, our warehouses are reviewed annually by a certification entity of the Supervisory Body of the Generalitat de Catalunya based on the Royal Decree of chemical product storage RD379/2001.
We are authorised to store the following chemical products:
• Flammable liquids and solids
• Corrosive liquids and solids
• Irritating liquids and solids
• Harmful
• Oxidising
• Harmful to the environment
• Toxic
• Flammable and non-extinguishable with water
• Peroxides
• Carcinogens
• Mutagenic
• Sensitising
To complement the already existing safety measures, like the firefighting system and anti-spill barriers, at Global-TALKE, we also establish a separation of products between families, considering their characteristics and hazard level, as well as their incompatibilities, establishing sectors or providing individual isolated warehouses with special characteristics, like those for toxic products and peroxides.
All warehouses have temperature and humidity control devices, which record these levels.
At Global-TALKE we currently have the following firefighting systems:
• Ventilators
• Laser smoke detectors
• Automatic sprayers
• Alarm buttons
• Extinguishers (CO2, and powder)
• Equipped fire nozzles (BIES)
• Hydrants
In addition to other safety measures, like emergency showers, anti-spill barriers, tamper-proof alarms and 24h video surveillance cameras. - Controlled temperature
For storing chemical products, we have five independent sectors with controlled and recorded temperature, in order to be able to store all types of chemical products with a total area of 1,000 m2 distributed throughout:
- Three warehouses whose temperature can be regulated and ranges between 18ºC and 25ºC. The temperature is controlled by two independent temperature probes, in each one of the warehouses. It has a temperature control system with an alarm for low or high temperature, which is regulable based on the needs of the stored product.
- A chamber whose temperature can be regulated and ranges between 30ºC and 35ºC. The temperature of the chamber is also controlled by a temperature probe.
- A refrigerated chamber at a temperature of 4ºC.
The temperature probes of the warehouses are calibrated by a company registered in the Industry, Energy and Mines Directorate General.
- Human Consumption
In the Global-TALKEinstallations, we have an approximate area of 8,800 m2 for storing food products.
They are stored in warehouses that contain:
- metal shelves for conventional palleting with a universal system for direct and unique access to each pallet, controlled by radio frequency
- stainless steel silos
We have 6 loading and unloading docks, just for this type of products, which are totally closed, which is used as another measure to prevent the possible contamination of the product.
To guarantee the quality and safety of the food products in the supply chain, we have the ISO 22000 certification for Food Safety Management Systems for storing food products.
The warehouses are conditioned to comply with the most rigorous food safety standards. Because in the food industry, it is essential to control foreign matter, at Global-TALKE we have a broken glass and plastic control program. Thus, the lighting systems are not directly in line with the product, in order to thus prevent any breakdown or incident from being able to contaminate it. In addition, the warehouses are properly locked and have a strict control for pests and rodents and an efficient system to eliminate flying insects, such as bug zappers, as well as tamper-proof measures, periodic maintenance and revision, surveillance cameras and changing rooms next to the areas where food products are handled. In addition, all of the forklifts used at Global-TALKE in the packaging and storage process of food products are electric in order to prevent the product from being contaminated.
- Animal consumption
In the Global-TALKE installations we have an approximate area of 1,600 m2 for storing animal feed products.
It is stored in:
- warehouses equipped with metal shelves with a compact pallet system that doubles the capacity of an installation with conventional pallet shelves.
Global-TALKE is authorised by the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food of the Generalitat de Catalunya to store additives with code αESP43601841.
Global-TALKE also has the GMP+ B3 certification for good manufacturing practices in producing feed for animals.The warehouses are conditioned to comply with the most rigorous food safety standards. They are properly locked and have a strict control for pests and rodents and an efficient system to eliminate flying insects, such as bug zappers, as well as tamper-proof measures, periodic maintenance and revision, surveillance cameras and changing rooms next to the areas where food products are handled. In addition, all of the forklifts used at Global-TALKE in the packaging and storage process of animal feed products are electric in order to prevent the product from being contaminated.
Global-TALKE provides eight totally independent lines of drumming liquid, depending on the product being filledin, including the following:
• chemical products: ADR, non-ADR, corrosives, inflammable, oxidising, etc.
• chemical products for food and feed industry
• food products for humans or animals

After reaching the tank or container, Global-TALKE carries out an exhaustive quality control of the product being packaged:
- Verifying that the tamper-evident seal is in accordance with the accompanying transport documentation
- Checking that it is not possible to handle the product beforehand
- Verifying that the product arrives in the established conditions, according tot he client, checking the temperature panels in the tank, if required due to the characteristics of the product
- Taking samples and analysing on-site, depending on the case, the density, refraction index, degrees Brix, pH, temperature or water content in the product.
Global-TALKE has specific tillers exclusively for each type of product. It carries out a process before and after any packaging of a product in liquid format, which consists of cleaning the pipes and tillers that will be used, with hot water above 70ºC. In this way, it disinfects the installation and prevents any possible contamination of the product.
The chemical products for food in liquid format are packaged in a clean room, closed with a temperature control.
As part of its food safety policy, Global-TALKE prepares an analysis of critical points for all of its handling and storage processes. In this case, in the packaging of liquid chemicals for food, the product to be packaged passes through a sieve and magnetic bars, systems that detect possible foreign particles. This system is revised before any after each packaging to check its correct functioning and efficacy.
This packaging room, like all those in which the food product is packaged, whether for human or animal consumption, is properly closed and has a strict pest and rodent control and an efficient system to eliminate flying insects, such as bug zappers, as well as tamper-proof measures and periodic maintenance and revision.
To guarantee the quality and safety of the food products in the supply chain, we have the FSSC 22000 certification: Food Safety Management Systems for packaging food products.
Global-TALKE, , a company committed to the environment, has a gas scrubber or washer: an atmospheric emissions purification system that is used to eliminate particles and gases generated during the packaging process, with a cleaning capacity of 2,500 m3/h.
Global-TALKE has specific tillers exclusively for each type of product. It carries out a process before and after any packaging of a product in liquid format, which consists of cleaning the pipes and tillers that will be used, with hot water above 70ºC. In this way, it disinfects the installation and prevents any possible contamination of the product.
The chemical products for food in liquid format are packaged in a clean room, closed with a temperature control.
As part of its food safety policy, Global-TALKE prepares an analysis of critical points for all of its handling and storage processes. In this case, in the packaging of liquid foodstuffs, the product to be packaged passes through a sieve and magnetic bars, systems that detect possible foreign particles. This system is revised before any after each packaging to check its correct functioning and efficacy.
This packaging room, like all those in which the food product is packaged, whether for human or animal consumption, is properly closed and has a strict pest and rodent control and an efficient system to eliminate flying insects, such as bug zappers, as well as tamper-proof measures and periodic maintenance and revision.
To guarantee the quality and safety of the food products in the supply chain, we have the FSSC 22000 certification: Food Safety Management Systems for packaging food products.
- Liquid chemicals
After reaching the tank or container, Global-TALKE carries out an exhaustive quality control of the product being packaged:
- Verifying that the tamper-evident seal is in accordance with the accompanying transport documentation
- Checking that it is not possible to handle the product beforehand
- Verifying that the product arrives in the established conditions, according tot he client, checking the temperature panels in the tank, if required due to the characteristics of the product
- Taking samples and analysing on-site, depending on the case, the density, refraction index, degrees Brix, pH, temperature or water content in the product.
- Liquid chemicals for food
Global-TALKE has specific tillers exclusively for each type of product. It carries out a process before and after any packaging of a product in liquid format, which consists of cleaning the pipes and tillers that will be used, with hot water above 70ºC. In this way, it disinfects the installation and prevents any possible contamination of the product.
The chemical products for food in liquid format are packaged in a clean room, closed with a temperature control.
As part of its food safety policy, Global-TALKE prepares an analysis of critical points for all of its handling and storage processes. In this case, in the packaging of liquid chemicals for food, the product to be packaged passes through a sieve and magnetic bars, systems that detect possible foreign particles. This system is revised before any after each packaging to check its correct functioning and efficacy.
This packaging room, like all those in which the food product is packaged, whether for human or animal consumption, is properly closed and has a strict pest and rodent control and an efficient system to eliminate flying insects, such as bug zappers, as well as tamper-proof measures and periodic maintenance and revision.
To guarantee the quality and safety of the food products in the supply chain, we have the FSSC 22000 certification: Food Safety Management Systems for packaging food products.
Global-TALKE, , a company committed to the environment, has a gas scrubber or washer: an atmospheric emissions purification system that is used to eliminate particles and gases generated during the packaging process, with a cleaning capacity of 2,500 m3/h.
- Liquid foodstuffs
Global-TALKE has specific tillers exclusively for each type of product. It carries out a process before and after any packaging of a product in liquid format, which consists of cleaning the pipes and tillers that will be used, with hot water above 70ºC. In this way, it disinfects the installation and prevents any possible contamination of the product.
The chemical products for food in liquid format are packaged in a clean room, closed with a temperature control.
As part of its food safety policy, Global-TALKE prepares an analysis of critical points for all of its handling and storage processes. In this case, in the packaging of liquid foodstuffs, the product to be packaged passes through a sieve and magnetic bars, systems that detect possible foreign particles. This system is revised before any after each packaging to check its correct functioning and efficacy.
This packaging room, like all those in which the food product is packaged, whether for human or animal consumption, is properly closed and has a strict pest and rodent control and an efficient system to eliminate flying insects, such as bug zappers, as well as tamper-proof measures and periodic maintenance and revision.
To guarantee the quality and safety of the food products in the supply chain, we have the FSSC 22000 certification: Food Safety Management Systems for packaging food products.

Global-TALKE has 9 large-format semi-automatic bagging lines, Big Bags, and 5 small-format semi-automatic lines bagging for small format, totally independent, depending on the product to be bagged, intended for:
• chemical products: ADR and non-ADR.
• chemical products for food and feed industry
• food products for humans or animals
The products in solid format can reach our installations through tanks, containers, maritime containers or heavy goods vehicles.
Global-TALKE has the ability to bag directly from tanks.
After reaching the tank, Global-TALKE carries out an exhaustive quality control of the product being bagged:
• Verifying that the tamper-evident seals are in accordance with the accompanying transport documentation
• Checking that it is not possible to handle the product beforehand
Once the good condition of the tank has been verified, it is connected to the discharge installation where the weight to be bagged is programmed.
As part of its quality policy, Global-TALKE prepares an analysis of critical points for all of its handling and storage processes. In the case of bagging, the product goes through a sieve and electromagnet. These systems detect possible particles that should not form part of the product and eliminates them from the process. This system is revised before any after each bagging to check its correct functioning and efficacy.
It must be pointed out that all equipment, components and machinery that may be in contact with the product are manufactured with stainless steel to prevent corrosion, and to have better cleaning and disinfection.
Global-TALKE has five bagging stations from silos, four of them are large-scale and one is small-scale.
All bagging installations, as well as the storage warehouses are stainless steel, for maximum hygiene and less adherence of dirt and foreign agents, and for quick cleaning of the surface.
- Via tank
Global-TALKE has the ability to bag directly from tanks.
After reaching the tank, Global-TALKE carries out an exhaustive quality control of the product being bagged:
• Verifying that the tamper-evident seals are in accordance with the accompanying transport documentation
• Checking that it is not possible to handle the product beforehand
Once the good condition of the tank has been verified, it is connected to the discharge installation where the weight to be bagged is programmed.
As part of its quality policy, Global-TALKE prepares an analysis of critical points for all of its handling and storage processes. In the case of bagging, the product goes through a sieve and electromagnet. These systems detect possible particles that should not form part of the product and eliminates them from the process. This system is revised before any after each bagging to check its correct functioning and efficacy.
It must be pointed out that all equipment, components and machinery that may be in contact with the product are manufactured with stainless steel to prevent corrosion, and to have better cleaning and disinfection. - From the silo
Global-TALKE has five bagging stations from silos, four of them are large-scale and one is small-scale.
All bagging installations, as well as the storage warehouses are stainless steel, for maximum hygiene and less adherence of dirt and foreign agents, and for quick cleaning of the surface.
Global-TALKE offers a specialised service of filling tanks from big bags and sacks. Rebulking is a method through which the chemical, industrial or food product passes from its initial package to a tank through couplers specially design and exclusively dedicated to each type of product, and manufactured in stainless steel, thus solving any need to store the product, regardless of the type of package.
It must be pointed out that all couplers that may be in contact with the product are manufactured with stainless steel to prevent corrosion, and to have better cleaning.

Global-TALKE provides you with the possibility of homogenising blend products. We have 3 sets of mixing equipment, built in stainless steel with different capacities, in which the ingredients are inserted in the mixing chute according to the client’s recipe, thus obtaining a homogeneous mixing of the products.
These installations are available to the necessary tests to guarantee the correct homogeneity of the product being handled or based on the production that the client needs.
Global-TALKE has two declumping installations of solid products. It has the function of breaking up clumps of material that have formed for various reasons during the handling or processing. Due to the characteristics of the product and by virtue of being in a bag, they tend to get compacted, thus forming clumps or clots, but they are soft enough to be crushed. There is a rotor with breaker arms aligned radially and that move along an axis which draws the fragments or clumps to the screen, where they are crushed and broken into smaller fragments.
This process guarantees the means to certify a transfer without powder and/or its removal with a vacuum. It is also earthed to prevent electrostatic charges as an accident prevention measure.
It must be pointed out that all equipment, components and machinery that may be in contact with the product are manufactured with stainless steel to prevent corrosion, and to have better cleaning.
These installations are available for the necessary tests to guarantee the correct sizing of the product being handled or based on the production that the client needs.

Global-TALKE has three sets of dissolution equipment, one of which is for food quality.
The dissolution equipment make it so that a substance, after being mixed with a liquid, comes apart so that its particles are incorporated into that liquid.
Global-TALKE’s quality department takes samples of the dilutions and analyses on-site, depending on the case, density, refraction index, degrees Brix, pH, temperature or colourimetry, guaranteeing the complete dilution.
All dissolution equipment that may be in contact with the product are manufactured with stainless steel to prevent corrosion, and to have better cleaning.
These installations are available to clients for the necessary tests to guarantee the correct dilution based on the parameters that are defined.
Global-TALKE has five sieving installations.
It is a process that continuously separates large particles from dry, thick and flowing solid products in bulk through a stainless steel vibrating sieve.
We offer different options of sizes of mesh, as well as independent installations for allergenic and non-allergenic food products.
This installation is available for the necessary tests to guarantee the correct sizing of the installation, whether it is based on the material being handled or based on the production that the client needs.

The activated carbon arrives at Global-TALKE’s installations in big bags. From there, it is deposited in a stainless-steel hopper. Next, it passes through a pneumatic vacuum and then the product reaches the mill, which grinds it into very fine granulometries in order to be able to productively use the carbon with the greatest heat efficiency and as a result, the least amount of contamination in terms of powder emissions. Due to the extreme fineness of the powders obtained, the installation is completely airtight, absent of powders and with a powder emissions into the environment below European standards. The ground carbon reaches the silo and passes through its corresponding magnetic bars and a specialised detector to detect possible particles that should not form part of the product.
Once we have the finished product and it has passed through the separation process of the air particles of the carbon, it is packaged in big bags or sacks.
The installation is completely automatic and is controlled with specialised operators.
At Global-TALKE we have the AEO authorisation as proof that as an economic operator, we have a status of trust with Customs. That is to say that within the framework of our professional activities, we carry out activities regulated by the customs legislation. We are a trusted, compliant and reliable economic operator for customs operations and we get advantages throughout the entire European Union in terms of customs simplifications, security facilities and protection of the international logistics chain.
At Global-TALKE we take care of managing the maritime processes, and customs requirements, permits and documents necessary for the imports and exports of our clients, from the shipping of the imports or exports or binding documents to the transport of merchandise to the port and all customs issues in order to be able to streamline and concentrate the management of paperwork, procedures, conditions, permits and tariffs in shipping merchandise and products.
The Global-TALKE warehouses have the customs warehouse authorisations. This is a type of exempt area that allows indefinitely storing merchandise. For that reason, it is a highly profitable tool for intermediation in foreign commerce operations because it offers great flexibility to exporters and importers, allowing them to defer payment of the import VAT as well as the tariffs that may exist until the sale or consumption of the merchandise or if clients simply want to have stock in Spain to be closer to their clients.
Global-TALKE is complying with the registration requests of the US FDA, which is confirmed by its Registration Certificate issued by Registrar Corp.

Global-TALKE is considered a bonded warehouse given that it receives, stores and distributes products and property of third parties outside the suspension regime, which are subject to special taxes with the accrued tax. In this way, we bring the distribution points of products subject to special taxes of our clients to places of consumption.
In addition, we are strategically located, with easy access to the AP-7 motorway and the port of Tarragona.
Global-TALKE provides companies with its own staff specialised in logistics operations to manage their installations, supervised by our technical department.

Our offer includes transporting bulk loads and the transport and distribution of packaged substances – also includes transport with temperature-control.