Registrations, Inscriptions and Authorizations
- Updated environmental licence and compliance with the Fire Safety Regulations for Industrial Establishments.
- Registration in the Register of Industrial Establishments of Catalonia. REIC-000309013.
- Registration as a waste producer. P-59683.1.
- Registration of the chemical products loading and unloading station according to R.D. 656/2017.
- Registration in the Register to store flammable products and fuels in portable containers.
- Registration in the Register to store corrosive products in portable containers.
- Registration in the Register to store oxidisation products in portable containers.
- Registration in the Register to store for toxic products in portable containers.
- Registration in the Register to store organic peroxides in portable containers.
- Registration in the Register to store environmentally hazardous chemical products in portable containers.
- Registration in the Register of operators of catalogued chemical substances (Ministry of the Interior).
- Registration in the Official Register of Producers and Operators of Phytosanitary Defence Measures of Catalonia. SS43068.
- Registration in the Health Register of Food Industries and Products of Catalonia. RSIPAC 40.07928/CAT.
- Registration as an operator of the Catalan Council of Ecological Agricultural Production. ES-ECO-0198-CT
- Registration in the FDA Register for exporting food products to the US.
- Registration in the Register of the animal feed sector and in the area of animal sub-products and derivative products not intended for human consumption (animal feed activities and SANDACH). ESP 43601841.
- Authorisation of activities as an Operator that stores nutritional additive products. ESP 43601841.
- Registration in the Register of importers based on the provisions established in the Regulation, which establish the requirements regarding animal feed. ESP 43601841.
- Certificate of Halal compliance, as per the requirements of the Islamic Council of Spain. IH-552/2.4/T/10.
- Kosher Certificate as per the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregation of America.